You can easily schedule a variety of messages and campaigns using Kaleyra's Alerts or Promotional platform. Follow the steps below to schedule an SMS:
- Create an SMS content by clicking on "Quick Send SMS", "Unicode SMS", "Bulk Upload" or "Optin SMS" and filling out the relevant details.
- At the bottom of the page, you'll find an option to "Schedule SMS" (as shown in the image below). Click on it to schedule it for a later time.
For Customized messages, the option for scheduled messages can be found by following the below steps:
- Create the SMS content by clicking on "Customized SMS" and filling out the relevant details.
- Once done, navigate to the bottom of the page and click on "Preview and Send"
- In the preview option, scroll to the bottom, and you will find an "OR" and "Schedule" option. Fill in the details for a futuristic date and time.
- You can also decide if you want to split and schedule the messages that are being sent out. Remember to provide a 15-minute gap at least in between the campaigns.
- Once done, click on the Schedule option at the bottom of the pop-up dialogue box.
After scheduling your SMS campaigns, you may check your scheduled SMS reports in "Scheduled SMS" under "Sent Items".